The Mystery of The Cross

Matthew Pearson
2 min readJul 19, 2020


When we look upon our crucified Lord, we look upon a mystery. This mystery is of our salvation and of God’s love. I will paraphrase a wonderful expression related to Our Lord’s Cross, if you want to see God’s power, look at the Resurrection; if you want to see God’s love, look at a crucifix.

This helps us grasp the significance of the crucifixion and its purpose. It is, at the end of the day, the deepest expression of Christ’s love for us. The Mystery of the Cross is a mystery of God’s love. This mystery has been definitively revealed to us and is re-presented to us at every Holy Mass.

I would like to take a brief moment to point out a very important distinction. Notice I did not write “represented” instead I wrote, “Re-presented”. The faith of the Church is that the Holy Mass is not merely a “representation” but rather a supernatural “re-presentation” of Christ’s saving work on the Cross of Calvary.

The same Body and Blood that was crucified in Jerusalem nearly 2,000 years ago is re-presented upon our altars each and every day.

This is precisely the place where we can enter into this Mystery of the Cross. It is during this direct revelation of God’s love that we are transformed and divinized by God’s love for us. God’s love has immense power to take control of our lives and to inspire us towards supernatural acts of faith, hope, and charity. Together, as the Body of Christ, we can all enter into deeper love for this great mystery.

As St. Paul reminds us, “God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.” (Rm. 5:8)

With great faith, hope, and charity, let us approach the altar of Our Lord with sorrow for our sins and with hearts full of thanksgiving for God’s great love.

This is our great joy, which no one can take from us.



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